Self-realization means to realize how foolish you have been. Everything has been right here within you and you did not get it.
自我实现意味着认识到自己有多愚蠢。一切都在你的内在,而你却没有发现。 -
The whole existence is a vibration, and so is your thought. If you generate a powerful thought and let it out, it will manifest itself.
整个存在是一种振动,你的念头也是如此。如果你产生一个强大的念头并将其释放,它将会自行显化。 -
If you have been put through unpleasant situations in life, you should be sensible enough not to put anyone else in such situations.
如果你在生活中经历过不愉快的处境,你应该足够明智,不要让他人陷入这样的处境。 -
Thought and emotion are not separate entities. The way you think is the way you feel.
想法和情感不是独立的个体。你的思考方式就是你的感受方式。 -
Whatever you need will just happen if you keep your energies exuberant and focused.
如果你保持能量的活跃与专注,你所需要的一切都会发生。 -
Whether you experience stress, anger, fear, or any other kind of negativity, there is only one basic cause: being ignorant of your inner Nature.
无论你体验到压力、愤怒、恐惧,或任何其它的消极性,其根本原因只有一个:对自己的内在本性一无所知。 -
It is not how much you do – how you do it is what makes life beautiful.
让生命美好的不是你做了多少,而是你如何去做。 -
All that moves will exhaust itself. Only that which is still, is for always. Meditation is essentially to move towards that stillness, to become like the core of existence.
一切运动之物终会耗尽,唯有静者永恒。冥想本质上就是朝向这种静,成为存在的核心。 -
Whatever path you choose to walk, let me be the Light that illuminates your way. May this Deepavali Light up your life within and without.
Love & Blessings,
Your wellness and your illness, your joy and your misery, all come from within. If you want wellbeing, it is time to turn inward.
你的健康与疾病,你的喜乐与痛苦,都来自内在。如果你想要幸福,是时候转向内在了。 -
The greatest fulfillment in life is to do something which is much larger than yourself.
人生最大的成就是去做远大过你自己的事情。 -
Karma is not in your action – it is in your volition. It is not the content of your life; it is the context which creates Karma.
Karma(业)不在于你的行为,而在于你的意志。它不是你生命的内容,而是创造业的背景。 -
每日智慧,10月27日 (今天是断食日)
Once you enjoy the inner pleasures of your being, external pleasures will seem rudimentary.
一旦你享受到你本质的内在愉悦,外在的欢愉就会显得肤浅。 -
In deep, conscious involvement with everything around you, there is no entanglement; there is just joy.
在深度地、有意识地融入你周围的一切时,没有纠缠,只有喜悦。 -
If you cultivate your body, mind, energy, and emotions to a certain level of maturity, meditation will naturally flower.